The Latin writers have only treated of this plant in a cursory manner, while those of Greece have considered it a little
more attentively; though even they have ranked it among the
garden plants. If, however, a methodical arrangement is to
be strictly observed, it should be spoken of immediately after
corn, or the bean, at all events; for next to these two produc-
tions, there is no plant that is of more extensive use. For, in
the first place, all animals will feed upon it as it grows; and
it is far from being the least nutritious plant in the fields for
various kinds of birds, when boiled in water more particularly.
Cattle, too, are remarkably fond of the leaves of rape; and
the stalks and leaves, when in season, are no less esteemed
as a food for man than the sprouts of the cabbage;[1] these,
too, when turned yellow and left to die in the barn, are even
more highly esteemed than[2] when green. As to the rape
itself, it will keep all the better if left in its mould, aftær which
it should be dried in the open air till the next crop is nearly
ripe, as a resource in case of scarcity. Next to those of the
The Greeks have distinguished two principal species of rape, the male and the female,[6] and have discovered a method of obtaining them both from the same seed; for when it is sown thick, or in a hard, cloggy soil, the produce will be male. The smaller the seed the better it is in quality. There are three kinds of rape in all; the first is broad and flat, the second of a spherical shape, and tile third, to which the name of "wild" rape[7] has been given, throws out a long root, similar in appearance to a radish, with an angular, rough leaf, and an acrid juice, which, if extracted about harvest, and mixed with a woman's milk, is good for cleansing the eves and improving defective sight. The colder the weather the sweeter they are, and the larger, it is generally thought; heat makes them run to leaf. The finest rape of all is that grown in the district of Nurslia: it is valued at as much as one sesterce[8] per pound, and, in times of scarcity, two even. That of the next best quality is produced on Mount Algidus.